Books Found in the Study of the Truman Home: By Author
Harry S Truman National Historic Site
Independence, Missouri
Alphabetical by Author
93rd Congress, 1st Session. House Document No. 93-131
Harry S. Truman: Memorial Tributes Delivered In Congress
Abbott John S.C. Nations of the World: Italy
Abbott, John S.C. Nations of the World: Austria, Its Rise and Present Power
Abels, Jules Truman Scandals, The
Adams, Henry Democracy
Adenauer, Konrad World Indivisible With Liberty and Justice for All
Aikman, Lonnelle Living White House
Aikman, Lonnelle Living White House [5th edition]
Alcott Louisa May Eight Cousins: or the Aunt-Hill
Aldrich, Stoddard Richard Gertrude Lawrence as Mrs. A.
Allen, Alice, ed. Pennsylvania Manual, The
Allingham, Margery Cargo of Eagles
Allingham, Margery Mystery Mile
Almedingen, E.M. Very Far County, A
American Battle Monuments Commission American Armies and Battlefields in Europe Ames, Delano Coffin For Christopher
Ames, Mary Clemmer Ten Years in Washington
Anderson, Clinton P. Outsider in the Senate: Senator Clinton Anderson's Memoirs
Andrews, Stanley Farmer's Dilemma, The Andriola, Alfred, & Mel Casson, eds. Ever Since Adam and Eve Anonymous Mirrors of Washington, The
Anthony, Katharine Queen Elizabeth
Appleman, Roy E., Milo M. Quaife, & Melvin J. Weig
History of the United States Flag, From the Revolution to the Present
Arkell, Rod Cream of Wit
Armour, Richard It All Started With Columbus
Armour, Richard It All Started With Eve: An Uninhibited Account of Famous Women of History
Arnold, Elliot Time of the Gringo, The
Arpee, Edward From Frigates to Flat-Tops
Ashley, Maurice Churchill As Historian
Atkinson, Henry A., et al. Security and the Middle East: the Problem and Its Solution Baigell, Matthew Thomas Hart Benton
Baker, Charles, ed. Annual Report of the New York Historical Society for the Year 1954
Ballinger, Bill S. Tooth and the Nail, The
Bancroft, Mary Upside Down in the Magnolia Tree
Barnard, Harry Rutherford B. Hayes and His America
Barnes, Harry Elmer, ed. Perpetual War for Perpetual Peace
Barnhard, Clarence L., ed. American College Dictionary, The
Barrett Monte Tempered Blade
Barzun, Jacques Teacher in America
Bayer, Herbert, ed. World Geographic Atlas
Beebe, Lucius, & Charles Clegg Hear the Train Blow: A Pictoral Epic of America in the Railroad
Beecroft, John, ed. Kipling: A Selection of His Stories and Poems, Vol. 1
Beecroft, John, ed. Kipling: A Selection of His Stories and Poems, Vol. 2
Bemelmans, Ludwig Father, Dear Father
Ben-Horim, Nahum Peace through Freedom
Bennett, Arnold Hilda Lessways
Bennett, Arnold Old Wives Tale, The
Benson, Ben Girl in the Cage, The
Berenson, Bernard Sunset and Twilight: from the Diaries of 1947-1958 Bernstein, Carl, & Bob Woodward All the President's Men
Bethel, John P., ed. Webster's New Collegiate Dictionary
Betts, Mary McIntire, ed. Echoes 1940: Gunston Hall Year Book
Bishop, Jim Day Lincoln Was Shot, The
Blanco, Tomas Los Agvinaldos Del Infante (The Child's Gifts: A Twelfth Night Tale)
Bloom, Vera Entertaining Lady, The
Bloom, Vera There's No Place like Washington
Bolitho, Hector Reign of Queen Victoria, The
Bookstaber, Philip David Idea of Development of the Soul in Medieval Jewish Philosophy Bookwalter, W.F., & Darrell St. Clair U.S. Senate Manual: 83rd Congress, 1st Session
Booth, Philip Letter from a Distant Land
Bowles, Chester New Dimensions of Peace, The
Bowles, Cynthia At Home In India
Boyd, James Drums
Boyle, Ann Beyond the Wall
Braddon, Russell Naked Island, The
Bradford, Gamaliel Lee the American
Brandon, W.H. Drama of the Ages
Bregstein, S. Joseph Successful Practice of Dentistry, The
Breihan, Carl W. Badmen of the Frontier Days
Brennan, Robert Allegiance
Bridges, Henry P. Woodmont Story, The
Bristow, Gwen Jubilee Trail
Brochado, Costa Fatima In the Light of History
Brogan, D.W. Politics in America
Bromfield, Louis Malabar Farm
Brooks, Gertrude Zeth First Ladies of the White House
Brown, Howard Fremont Poet Comes in Gladness, The
Brownlow, Louis Passion for Politics, A
Bruckner, Leona S. Triumph of Love
Buck, Pearl S. Pavilion of Women
Bujarsky, Gwynne, ed. Rubayyat of Omar Khayyam, The
Bulfinch, Thomas Bulfinch's Mythology
Bundschu, Ellen Story Time Classics
Burket, Gail Brook From the Prairies
Burlingame, Roger Henry Ford: A Great Life In Brief
Burnett, Frances Hodgson Little Princess, A
Burrell, Angus, & Bennett Cerf, eds. Anthology of Famous American Stories Burrow, Barbara God is Everywhere
Burrows, Abe Abe Burrows Song Book, The
Cairns, Huntington, & John Walker, eds. Great Paintings from the National Gallery of Art Caldwell, Taylor Great Lion of God
Canaan, Gershon Rebuilding the Land of Israel
Canney, E.M. God Speaks
Cash, W.J. Mind of the South, The
Cassirer, Ernest Essay on Man, An
Catton, Bruce Stillness at Appomattox, A
Catton, Bruce U.S. Grant and the American Military Tradition
Cecil, David Melbourne
Ceram, C.W. Gods, Graves, and Scholars: The Story of Archaeology
Cerf, Bennet Encyclopedia of Modern American Humor, An
Chafee, Zechariah, Jr. Blessings of Liberty, The
Chamberlain, Samuel E. My Confession
Chaplin, Charles Charles Chaplin: My Autobiography
Chase, Mary Ellen Goodly Heritage, A
Chase, Stuart Power of Words
Cholmondeley, Alice Christine
Churchill, Winston S. Island Race, The
Clark, Edson L. Nations of the World: Turkey
Clark, Mark W. Calculated Risk
Clark, Mark W. From the Danube to the Yalu
Clark, Sydney All the Best in Belgium and Luxemborg
Clarke, W.K. Lowther Concise Bible Commentary
Clemens, Cyril Mark Twain for Young People
Clymer, Floyd Cars of the Stars and Movie Memories, No. 1
Clymer, Floyd Floyd Clymer's Album of Historical Steam Traction Engines & Threshing Equipment
Clymer, Floyd Floyd Clymer's Historical Album Cars of the Stars and Movie Memories, No. 1
Cobb, Irvin S. Many Laughs for Many Days
Cohen, Myron Laughing Out Loud
Cole, William, ed. Best Humor from Punch, The
Collis, Robert African Encounter
Combs, Henley E. Shellbacks: Sons of Neptune
Commager, Henry Steele Freedom, Loyalty, Dissent
Conant, James B. Modern Science and Modern Man Connally, Tom, & Alfred Steinberg My Name is Tom Connally
Cooke, Hereward Lester National Gallery of Art in Washington, The
Costain, Thomas B. Son of a Hundred Kings
Coughlin, Gerald F., compiler Addresses and Messages of Gov. Maurice J. Tobin of
Massachusetts, 1945-1946
Coyle, David Cushman Day of Judgement
Crane, Charles Edward Let Me Show You Vermont
Craven, W.F., & J.L. Cate, eds. Army Air Forces In World War II, Vol. 6: Men and Planes Crawford, Marion Little Princesses, The
Cresson, W.P. James Monroe
Crichton, Kyle Marx Brothers, The
Cronin, Vincent Louis XIV
Crosby, Bing, As Told to Pete Martin Call Me Lucky
Crosthwait, William L., & Ernest G. Fischer
Last Stitch, The
Crowson, James Carl Pathways
Crum, Bartley C. Behind the Silk Curtain
Cruttwell, Maud Madame De Maintenon
Cuppy, Will Decline and Fall of Practically Everybody, The
Curwood, James Oliver Valley of Silent Men, The
Dahl, Roald Someone like You
Davenport, Russell W. Dignity of Man, The
David, Paul T., Ralph M. Goldman, & Richard C. Bain
Politics of National Party Conventions, The
Davidson, John Wells, ed. Crossroads of Freedom: 1912 Campaign Speeches of Woodrow
Davies, A. Powell Urge to Persecute, The
Davies, Richard O. Housing Reform during the Truman Administration
Davis, Elmer Not to Mention the War
Davis, Jefferson Rise and Fall of the Confederate Government, Vol. 2
De Iough, Jane Margaret of Austria
De La Selva, Salomon Illustrated Treasury of Children's Literature, The Ilustre Familia
De Mare, Marie G.P.A. Healy: American Artist De Toledano, Ralph, & Victor Lasky Seeds of Treason
Defoe, Daniel Life and Adventures of Robinson Crusoe, The
Deland, Margaret Rising Tide, The
Delmar, Vina Beloved
Demotte, Warren Long Playing Record Guide, The
Desmond, Alice Curtis Glamorous Dolly Madison
Desmond, Alice Curtis Martha Washington: Our First Lady
Detweiter, Susan G. American Presidential China
Dickens, Charles Adventures of Oliver Twist, Pictures from Italy, and American Notes
Dickens, Charles Barnaby Rudge and Edwin Drood
Dickens, Charles Bleak House
Dickens, Charles Child's History of England and Miscellaneous Pieces
Dickens, Charles Christmas Books and Reprinted Pieces
Dickens, Charles Dombey and Sons
Dickens, Charles Great Expectations
Dickens, Charles Life and Adventures of Martin Chuzzlewit, The
Dickens, Charles Life and Adventures of Nicholas Nickleby, The
Dickens, Charles Little Dorrit
Dickens, Charles Old Curiosity Shop / Hard Times and the Holly Tree Inn
Dickens, Charles Our Mutual Friend
Dickens, Charles Personal History of David Copperfield, The
Dickens, Charles Posthumous Papers of the Pickwick Club
Dickens, Charles Tale of Two Cities, and Sketches by Boz
Dickson, Walter Nations of the World: Japan
Dimond, E. Grey More than Herbs and Acupuncture
Dimondstein, Boris Yockel the Melamed and Other Poems
Dimondstein, Boris Tujunga Fables, Part 1
Dooley, Tom Dr. Tom Dooley's Three Great Books
Dore, G. Bible In Pictures, The
Dorner, Frank T. Un-Americans, The
Douglas, Lois Smith Through Heaven's Back Door
Doyle, Arthur Conan Original Illustrated Arthur Conan Doyle, The
Druks, Herbert From Truman through Johnson: A Documentary History, Vol. 2 Dryden, John, et al., translators Plutarch's Lives of Illustrious Men, Vol. 1
Dryden, John, et al., translators Plutarch's Lives of Illustrious Men, Vol. 2 Dryden, John, et al., translators Plutarch's Lives of Illustrious Men, Vol. 3 Dudintsev, Vladimir Not By Bread Alone
Dudley, Lavinia P., ed. Encyclopedia Americana, Vol. 01
Dudley, Lavinia P., ed. Encyclopedia Americana, Vol. 02
Dudley, Lavinia P., ed. Encyclopedia Americana, Vol. 03
Dudley, Lavinia P., ed. Encyclopedia Americana, Vol. 04
Dudley, Lavinia P., ed. Encyclopedia Americana, Vol. 05
Dudley, Lavinia P., ed. Encyclopedia Americana, Vol. 06
Dudley, Lavinia P., ed. Encyclopedia Americana, Vol. 07
Dudley, Lavinia P., ed. Encyclopedia Americana, Vol. 08
Dudley, Lavinia P., ed. Encyclopedia Americana, Vol. 09
Dudley, Lavinia P., ed. Encyclopedia Americana, Vol. 10
Dudley, Lavinia P., ed. Encyclopedia Americana, Vol. 11
Dudley, Lavinia P., ed. Encyclopedia Americana, Vol. 12
Dudley, Lavinia P., ed. Encyclopedia Americana, Vol. 13
Dudley, Lavinia P., ed. Encyclopedia Americana, Vol. 14
Dudley, Lavinia P., ed. Encyclopedia Americana, Vol. 15
Dudley, Lavinia P., ed. Encyclopedia Americana, Vol. 16
Dudley, Lavinia P., ed. Encyclopedia Americana, Vol. 17
Dudley, Lavinia P., ed. Encyclopedia Americana, Vol. 18
Dudley, Lavinia P., ed. Encyclopedia Americana, Vol. 19
Dudley, Lavinia P., ed. Encyclopedia Americana, Vol. 20
Dudley, Lavinia P., ed. Encyclopedia Americana, Vol. 21
Dudley, Lavinia P., ed. Encyclopedia Americana, Vol. 22
Dudley, Lavinia P., ed. Encyclopedia Americana, Vol. 23
Dudley, Lavinia P., ed. Encyclopedia Americana, Vol. 24
Dudley, Lavinia P., ed. Encyclopedia Americana, Vol. 25
Dudley, Lavinia P., ed. Encyclopedia Americana, Vol. 26
Dudley, Lavinia P., ed. Encyclopedia Americana, Vol. 27
Dudley, Lavinia P., ed. Encyclopedia Americana, Vol. 28
Dudley, Lavinia P., ed. Encyclopedia Americana, Vol. 29
Dudley, Lavinia P., ed. Encyclopedia Americana, Vol. 30: Index
Dumarier, Daphne Glass-Blowers, The
Durkin, Joseph T. Georgetown University
Durkin, Joseph T. Stephen R. Mallory: Confederate Navy Chief
Edelman, Katherine Shamrock and Prairie Grass
Editors of Time Gallery of Congress: 50 Years of Time Covers, 1923-1973 Eisenschiml, Otto, & Ralph Newman American Iliad, The
Eliot, George Collected Works of George Eliot
Eliot, George George Eliot's Works: Adam Bede
Eliot, George George Eliot's Works: Clerical Life / Life of Eliot
Eliot, George George Eliot's Works: Daniel Deronda, Vol. 1
Eliot, George George Eliot's Works: Daniel Deronda, Vol. 2
Eliot, George George Eliot's Works: Felix Holt
Eliot, George George Eliot's Works: Middle March, Vol. 1
Eliot, George George Eliot's Works: Middle March, Vol. 2
Eliot, George George Eliot's Works: Poems
Eliot, George George Eliot's Works: Romola, Vol. 1
Eliot, George George Eliot's Works: Romola, Vol. 2 / Silas Marner
Emerson, Ralph Waldo Essays
Emery, H.G., & K.G. Brewster, eds. New Century Dictionary of the English Language, Vol. 1 Emery, H.G., & K.G. Brewster, eds. New Century Dictionary of the English Language, Vol. 2 Emery, H.G., & K.G. Brewster, eds. New Century Dictionary of the English Language, Vol. 3 Enoch, Hobart W. Dark Clouds and Bronze Stars
Enyeart, James, photographer Architecture of Saint Joseph: The Golden Age
Erdman, Loula Grace Years of the Locust, The
Ernst, Morris L. Utopia 1976
Erskine, John Galahad
Esar, Evan, ed. Dictionary of Humorous Quotations, The
Espy, Willard R. Almanac of Words at Play, An
Esslinger, William Politics and Science
Evans, Joseph E. Through Soviet Windows
Evans, Richard L. Open Road, An
Evans, William Arthur Get Acquainted With Your Unconscious, Vol. 6: of Human Technology
Evans, William Arthur Introduction to Human Technology
Fain, Sara Pett Fiddle and the Bow, The
Fairclough, H. Rushton, translator Virgil: Aeneid Books 7-12, and the Minor Poems Farrell, James T. Face of Time, The
Farrow, Tiera Lawyer in Petticoats
Feller, Richard T., & Marshall W. Fishwick For Thy Great Glory: The Building of Washington Cathedral Fenisong, Ruth Widows' Plight
Fergusson, Erna New Mexico: A Pageant of Three Peoples Fergusson, Erna. Drawings by Li Brown Albuquerque
Fergusson, Harvey Conquest of Don Pedro, The
Ferm, Laura Atoms In the Family
Feuchtwarger, Lion Proud Destiny
Field, Eugene Works of Eugene Field, Vol. 01: A Little Book of Western Verse
Field, Eugene Works of Eugene Field, Vol. 02: A Little Book of Profitable Tales
Field, Eugene Works of Eugene Field, Vol. 04: Poems of Childhood
Field, Eugene Works of Eugene Field, Vol. 05: The Holy Cross and Other Tales
Field, Eugene Works of Eugene Field, Vol. 06: Echoes from the Sabine Farm
Field, Eugene Works of Eugene Field, Vol. 07: The Love Affairs of a Bibliomaniac
Field, Eugene Works of Eugene Field, Vol. 08: The House
Field, Eugene Works of Eugene Field, Vol. 09: Songs and Other Verse
Field, Eugene Works of Eugene Field, Vol. 10: Second Book of Tales
Field, Eugene Works of Eugene Field, Vol. 11: Sharps and Flats, Vol. 1
Field, Eugene Works of Eugene Field, Vol. 12: Sharps and Flats, Vol. 2
Fillmore, Charles Twelve Powers of Man, The
Fillmore, Cora Dedrick Christ Enthroned In Man
Fischer, Louis Gandhi: His Life and Message for the World
Fisher, Agnes Adams Quiet Woman, The
Fite, Gilbert C. George N. Peek and the Fight for Farm Parity
Fitzpatrick, D.R. As l Saw It
Fleisher, Henry C. C.I.O. 1935-1955: Industrial Democracy In Action
Fleming, Thomas J. Affectionately Yours, George Washington: A Self-portrait in Letters of Friends
Flexner, James Thomas Traitor and the Spy, The
Foch, Ferdinand translated by T. Bently Mott
Memoirs of Marshal Foch, The
Fodor, Eugene Men's Guide to Europe
Fodor, Eugene Woman's Guide to Europe
Ford, Corey How to Guess Your Age Forster, Arnold, & Benjamin R. Epstein Cross-currents
Frank, Pat Alas Babylon
Frankfurter, Alfred Winston Churchill the Painter
Franklin, Benjamin Art of Virtue, The
Franklin, Benjamin B. Franklin
Franklin, Benjamin On True Happiness
Franklin, Benjamin Way to Wealth, The
Franklin, Benjamin Wit
Fraser, Hugh Russell Democracy in the Making: The Jackson-Tyler Era Freeman, Douglas Southall George Washington, Vol. 1: Young Washington Freeman, Douglas Southall George Washington, Vol. 2: Young Washington Freidel, Frank Franklin D. Roosevelt: The Ordeal
Fryer, John Eayre Bible Story Book For Boys and Girls, The
Furman, Bess Washington By-Line
Galbraith, John Kenneth Great Crash, 1929
Gamble, Bert Days of Yesterday and Songs of the Palouse Country
Gardner, Erle Stanley Case of the Foot-Loose Doll, The
Gardner, Erle Stanley Land of Shorter Shadows, The
Gardner, Erle Stanley Neighborhood Frontiers
Gardner, Hy Champagne Before Breakfast
Gaunt, William Great Century of British Painting: Hogarth to Turner
Gentry, Jean Littleton Mama and the Outlaw Gerdts, William H., & Russell Burke American Still-Life Painting
Gerhard, Eugene C. America's Advocate: Robert H. Jackson
Gibran, Kahlil Prophet, The
Gilbert, Eugene, & Olive Fielding Magical America's Past in Pencil; a Sketchbook of Historic Homes Gilbertson, Catherine P., ed. Barstow School Through Eighty Years, The
Gildersleeve, Virginia Crocheron Many a Good Crusade Gilmore, Albert Field Christ At the Peace Table, The
Ginsberg, Paul Wake Up America
Golenpaul, Dan, ed. Information Please Almanac 1960
Golenpaul, Dan, ed. Information Please Almanac 1971
Gollancz, Israel Life of Shakespeare
Goodfriend, Arthur Something is Missing
Goodman, David Living From Within
Goodman, George Time for Paris, A
Goodrich, Leland M. & Anne P. Simons United Nations and the Maintenance of International Peace and
Goodwin, Ruby Berkley It’s Good to Be Black
Gordon, Julius Your Sense of Humor
Gore, Leroy Joe Must Go
Gould, Maria Lost Winter
Graves, Robert, & Joshua Podro Nazarene Gospel Restored, The Graziano, Rocky Somebody up There Likes Me Gretta, Clemens, & Leah Berger Glimpses of American History Grey, Maxwell Silence of Dean Maitland, The
Grider, John MacGavock War Birds: Diary of an Unknown Aviator
Griffith, Ernest S. Congress: Its Contemporary Role
Griffs, Stanton Lying In State
Grosvenor, Charles H. Book of the Presidents, The
Grote, George Nations of the World: Greece, Vol. 01
Grote, George Nations of the World: Greece, Vol. 02
Grote, George Nations of the World: Greece, Vol. 03
Grote, George Nations of the World: Greece, Vol. 04
Grote, George Nations of the World: Greece, Vol. 05
Grote, George Nations of the World: Greece, Vol. 06
Grote, George Nations of the World: Greece, Vol. 07
Grote, George Nations of the World: Greece, Vol. 08
Grote, George Nations of the World: Greece, Vol. 09
Grote, George Nations of the World: Greece, Vol. 10
Grote, George Nations of the World: Greece, Vol. 11
Grote, George Nations of the World: Greece, Vol. 12
Gruelle, Johnny Wooden Willie
Gruening, Ernest State of Alaska, The
Guizot, M., & Madame Guizot De Witt Nations of the World: France, Vol. 1 Guizot, M., & Madame Guizot De Witt Nations of the World: France, Vol. 2 Guizot, M., & Madame Guizot De Witt Nations of the World: France, Vol. 3 Guizot, M., & Madame Guizot De Witt Nations of the World: France, Vol. 4 Guizot, M., & Madame Guizot De Witt Nations of the World: France, Vol. 5 Guizot, M., & Madame Guizot De Witt Nations of the World: France, Vol. 6 Guizot, M., & Madame Guizot De Witt Nations of the World: France, Vol. 7 Guizot, M., & Madame Guizot De Witt Nations of the World: France, Vol. 8 Gulick, Bill Land Beyond, The
Gurion, David Ben Rebirth and Destiny of Israel
Guthrie, A.B., Jr. Way West, The
Hachiya, Michihiko & Warner Wells, ed. & Translator
Hiroshima Diary: The Journal of a Japanese Physician, August 6- September 30, 1945.
Hackett James New Jersey Citizen, The
Haiman, Miecislaus Kosciuszko: Leader and Exile
Halasz, Nicholas Captain Dreyfus: The Story of a Mass Hysteria
Hall, Donald Exiles and Marriages
Hall, Geoffrey Holiday Watcher at the Door, The Hall, Joyce C., With Curtiss Anderson When You Care Enough Hall, Manly Palmer Journey in Truth
Halle, Louis J. Civilization and Foreign Policy
Halliburton, Richard Glorious Adventure, The
Hambidge, Gove Story of Fao, The
Hamilton, Edith Greek Way, The
Hammer, Ellen J. Struggle For Indochina, The
Hammerstein, Oscar II, ed. Jerome Kern Songbook: The Words and Music of 50 of His
Best-Loved Songs
Handy, W.C., ed. Treasury of the Blues, A
Hansen, Harry, ed. World Almanac and Book of Facts, 1954
Hansen, Harry, ed. World Almanac and Book of Facts, 1961
Hansen, Robert P. Trouble Comes Double
Hanson, Joseph Mills Bull Run Remembers
Harding, Addie Clark, as told by Garneth Laidlaw Eskew
America Rides the Liners
Harris, Frederick Brown Prayers: Offered By the Chaplain of the Senate of the United States
Harris, W.T., ed. Webster's New International Dictionary of the English Language
Harrison, Gordon Road to the Right
Harte, Bret, et al. Collection of Great American Short Stories Written In the 19th Century
Hartman, Susan M. Truman and the 80th Congress
Harwell, Richard Barksdale Songs of the Confederacy Haskell, Henry C., Jr., & Richard B. Fowler City of the Future
Hassler, Warren W., Jr. General George B. McClellan
Hawley, Cameron Executive Suite
Hawthorne, Nathaniel Hawthorne's Works, Vol. 01: Twice Told Tales
Hawthorne, Nathaniel Hawthorne's Works, Vol. 02: Mosses from an Old Manse
Hawthorne, Nathaniel Hawthorne's Works, Vol. 03: House of Seven Gables, the Snow Image, Etc.
Hawthorne, Nathaniel Hawthorne's Works, Vol. 04: A Wonder-Book, Tanglewood Tales, Grandfather's Chair
Hawthorne, Nathaniel Hawthorne's Works, Vol. 05: The Scarlet Letter and the Blithedale Romance
Hawthorne, Nathaniel Hawthorne's Works, Vol. 06: The Marble Faun or the Romance of Monte Beni
Hawthorne, Nathaniel Hawthorne's Works, Vol. 07: Our Old Home, and English Note- Books
Hawthorne, Nathaniel Hawthorne's Works. Vol. 08: Our Old Home, and English Note- Books
Hawthorne, Nathaniel Hawthorne's Works, Vol. 09: Passages from the American Note-Books
Hawthorne, Nathaniel Hawthorne's Works, Vol. 10 Passages from the French and Italian Note-Books
Hawthorne, Nathaniel Hawthorne's Works, Vol. 11: The Dolliver Romance, Fanshawe and Septimius Felton
Hawthorne, Nathaniel Hawthorne's Works, Vol. 12: Tales, Sketches, and Other Papers Haycraft, Howard, & John Beecroft, eds. Treasury of Great Mysteries, Vol. 2
Hayes, Jess G. Apache Vengeance
Headley, P.C. Life of the Empress Josephine, The
Hemans, Mrs. Complete Works of Mrs. Hemans, Vol. 2
Henty, G.A. In the Reign of Terror
Herbert, A.P. Why Waterloo
Herbert, Anthony B. Conquest to Nowhere
Hergesheimer, Joseph Swords & Roses
Herold, J. Christopher Age of Napolean, The
Hershan, Stella K. Woman of Quality: Eleanor Roosevelt
Higgins, Marguerite War in Korea: The Report of a Woman Combat Correspondent
Highet, Gilbert Art of Teaching, The Hildegarde, Adele Whitely Fletcher Over 50 – So What! Hilton, James Lost Horizon
Hindus, Maurice Crisis in the Kremlin Hitchens, Bert, & Dolores Hitchens One-Way Ticket Hitchens, Dolores Beat Back the Tide
Hodge, Archibald Alexander Commentary on the Confession of Faith, A Hofstadter, Richard American Political Tradition, The
Holbrook, Stewart H. Age of the Moguls, The
Holden, Genevieve Sound an Alarm
Holmes, E.P. Disadvantages of Being a Preacher's Son, The
Holmes, Oliver Wendell Autocrat of the Breakfast Table, The
Home, Quincy, & Arthur M. Schlesinger, Jr.
Guide to Politics, 1954
Horan, James D. Across the Cimarron
Howe, E.W. Plain People
Howe, Quincy World between the Wars, The
Howell, Forest W. Barbed Wire Horizons
Huber, Solomon Notebook Reader of Estate Planning, The
Hudson, G. Donald, ed. Encyclopedia Britannica: World Atlas
Hugh-Jones, E.M. Woodrow Wilson and American Liberalism
Hurd, Charles Washington Cavalcade
Hyman, Sidney American President, The
Iles, Francis, E.C. Bentley, & A.E.W. Mason
Three Famous Murder Novels
Industrial Council for Tropical Health Industry and Tropical Health 2: Proceedings of the Second
Innes, Hammond Solomons Seal
Irving, Washington Alhambra, The
Irving, Washington Astoria
Irving, Washington Crayon Miscellany
Irving, Washington Life and Voyages of Christopher Columbus, The
Irving, Washington Life of Oliver Goldsmith
Irving, Washington Sketch Book, The
Irving, Washington Tales of a Traveler
Jackson, Helen Hunt Ramona
James, Marquis Life of Andrew Jackson, The Jefferson, Thomas. William Peden, ed. Notes on the State Of Virginia Jens, A.M., ed. Our American Heritage
Jenson, Amy La Follette White House and Its Thirty-Two Families, The
Jessel, George Jessel, Anyone?
Johnson, Walter How We Drafted Adlai Stevenson
Johnston, Annie Fellows Little Colonial Stories, The
Joint Committee On Printing Congressional Directory: 85th Congress, 1st Session Joint Committee On Printing Congressional Directory: 85th Congress, 2nd Session Joint Committee On Printing Congressional Directory: 86th Congress, 1st Session Joint Committee On Printing Congressional Directory: 86th Congress, 2nd Session Joint Committee On Printing Congressional Directory: 87th Congress, 2nd Session Joint Committee on Printing Congressional Directory: 87th Congress, 2nd Session Joint Committee on Printing Congressional Directory: 88th Congress, 1st Session Joint Committee on Printing Congressional Directory: 89th Congress, 1st Session Joint Committee on Printing Congressional Directory: 91st Congress, 2nd Session Joint Committee on Printing Congressional Directory: 92nd Congress, 1st Session Joint Committee on Printing Congressional Directory: 92nd Congress, 2nd Session Joint Committee on Printing Pocket Congressional Directory, 86th Congress
Joint Committee on Printing Pocket Congressional Directory, 87th Congress Jones, E. Stanley Abundant Living
Jones, Katharine M. Heroines of Dixie
Jones, Olga Churches of the Presidents In Washington
Joseph, Richard Richard Joseph's Guide to Europe and the Mediterranean
Judd, Frances K. Strange Echo, The
Just, Alfredo El Arte Y La Libel-tad
Kahn, Roger, & Al Helfer, eds. Mutual Baseball Almanac, The Kane, Harnett T. Gallant Mrs. Stonewall, The
Kane, Harnett T. Natchez, on the Mississippi
Kantor, MacKinlay Andersonville
Kasher, Menachem M., ed. Israel Passover Haggadah
Kashish, Barsom Jurjies What Language Did God Speak
Katsh, Abraham I. Judaism in Islam
Katz, Irving I. Beth El Story, The
Katz, Leslie Invitation to the Voyage
Kazanjian, H.A. We Are the Little Foxes, the Little Foxes That Spoil the Vines
Keeley, Mary Paxton, ed. Christian College Prize Plays, Vol. 1
Keinz, Virginia P. Poems in Memory of President John F. Kennedy
Keller, Helen Teacher: Anne Sullivan Macy
Kelly, Frank K. Edge of Light, An
Kempton, Murray Part of Our Time: Some Ruins and Monuments of the Thirties
Kenamore, Clair From Vauquois Hill to Exermont
Kennedy, John F. Why England Slept
Kennedy, Joseph P. I'm For Roosevelt
Kenny, Nick Collected Poems of Nick Kenny
Kerr, Geoffrey Under the Influence
Kerr, Jean Please Don't Eat the Daisies
Key, Ted Fasten Your Seat Belts
Key, Ted So'm I
Kimbrough, Emily So Near and Yet So Far
Kipling, Rudyard Phantom Rickshaw and Other Tales, The
Klapthor, Margaret Brown First Ladies Hall: Smithsonian Institution
Klapthor, Margaret Brown First Ladies, The
Klapthor, Margaret Brown, et al. White House: An Historic Guide Klein, A.M. Second Scroll, The
Klinov, I., ed. Chaim Weizmann: First President of the State of Israel Klopsteg, Paul E., & Philip D. Wilson Human Limbs and Their Substitutes
Koegel, Otto E. Walter S. Carter: Collector of Young Masters or the Progenitor of Many Law Firms
Kolodin, Irving Guide to Long-playing Records: Orchestral Music
Kornitzer, Bela Great American Heritage: The Story of the Five Eisenhower Brothers
Kory, Frances P. Headlines: World War II
Kouwenhoven, John A. Columbia Historical Portrait of New York, The
Kramer, Nora, & Otto Kallir Grandma Moses Storybook, The
Kredel, Fritz, & Frederick P. Todd Soldiers of the American Army, 1775-1954 Kronbauer, Anthony M., ed. International Standard Atlas of the World Krottier, A. Gertrude Favorite Bible Stories
Krutch, Joseph Wood, et al. Is the Common Man Too Common?: An Informal Survey of Our
Cultural Resources Kuykendall, Ralph S., & A. Grove Day Hawaii: A History
La Farge, Oliver Santa Fe: The Autobiography of a Southwestern Town
Labande, Yvonne, & Edmund-Rene Labande
Lair, John Songs Lincoln Loved
Lake, Alexander Killers in Africa
Lamb, Charles, & Mary Lamb Tales from Shakespeare
Landers, Burton R. My Family and the Constitution Langer, William L., & S. Everett Gleason Undeclared War: 1940-1941 Lariar, Lawrence Fish and Be Damned
Larkin, Lew Bingham: Fighting Artist
Lash, Joseph P. Eleanor and Franklin
Lasswell, Mary One on the House
Latimer, Jonathon Lady in the Morgue, The
Laubach, Frank C. Wake Up or Blow Up
Lavender, David Bent's Fort
Lawrence, T.E. Mint, The
Lebaree, Leonard W., & Whitfield J. Bell, Jr., eds.
Mr. Franklin: A Selection from His Personal Letters
Leblanc, Maurice Confessions of Arsene Lupin, The
Leeming, Joseph White House in Picture and Story, The Leighton, Frances Spatz, & Helen Baldwin They Call Her Lady Bird
Lentz, Theo. F. Towards a Science of Peace
Leopold, Aldo Round River: From the Journals of Aldo Leopold
Leslie, Anita Remarkable Mr. Jerome, The
Lewis, Chester, Godfrey Hodgson, & Bruce Page
American Melodrama: The Presidential Campaign of 1968
Lewis, Edward, & Richard Rhoedes, eds. John F. Kennedy: Words to Remember
Lewis, Edward, & Robert Myers Treasury of Mark Twain: The Wit and Wisdom of a Great
American Writer
Lewis, Edward, ed. French On Life and Love, The
Leymarie, Jean Spirit of the Letter in Painting, The
Lilienthal, David E. T.V.A.: Democracy on the March
Lincoln, Abraham. Edward Lewis & Jack Belck, eds.
Living Words of Abraham Lincoln, The
Lincoln, Joseph C. Freeman, ed. Joseph C. Lincoln Reader, The Link, Henry C. Rediscovery of Morals, The
Link, Henry C. Return to Religion, The
Liveright, Horace [Robert S. Allen & Drew Pearson]
Washington Merry-Go-Round
Lohr, Lenox R., ed. Centennial of Engineering: 1852-1952
Long, Luman H., ed. World Almanac and Book of Facts, 1969
Long, Luman H., ed. World Almanac and Book of Facts, 1970
Long, Luman H., ed. World Almanac and Book of Facts, 1971
Longfellow, Henry Wadsworth Evangeline
Longfellow, Samuel, ed. Life of Henry Wadsworth Longfellow, Vol. 1
Longford, Elizabeth Winston Churchill
Louchheim, Katie With or Without Roses: A Book of Verse
Loveman, Amy, ed. Saturday Review Reader, No. 3
Lowe, J.M. National Old Trails Road: The Great Historic Highway of America
Lowell, Juliet Dear Mr. Congressman
Lucas, E.V. Wanderer in Paris, A
Lukacs, John History of the Cold War, A
Lund, Robert Hour of Glory
Lyons, Eugene Our Secret Allies: The Peoples of Russia
Lyons, Harry D. When McQueen Was King: A Novel of Railroading
MacDonald, William Colt Mascarada Pass
MacInnes, Helen North from Rome
Mackenzie, Compton Savoy of London, The
MacKey, Charles Extraordinary Popular Delusions and the Madness of Crowds
Madrigal, Margarita, & Ezequias Madrigal Invitation to Spanish, An Magidoff, Robert Kremlin vs. the People, The Magoffin, R.V.D., and Davis, Emily C. Romance of Archaeology, The Mailer, Norman Marilyn: A Biography
Marie, Grand Duchess of Russia Education of a Princess
Markham, Edwin, ed. Real America in Romance, Vol. 01: Beyond Sunset Seas
Markham, Edwin, ed. Real America in Romance, Vol. 02: The Golden Quest
Markham, Edwin, ed. Real America in Romance, Vol. 03: Sword of Flame
Markham, Edwin, ed. Real America in Romance, Vol. 04: Princess and Cavalier
Markham, Edwin, ed. Real America in Romance, Vol. 05: On Savage Shores
Markham, Edwin, ed. Real America in Romance, Vol. 06: The Red Frontier
Markham, Edwin, ed. Real America in Romance, Vol. 07: Dueling For Empire
Markham, Edwin, ed. Real America in Romance, Vol. 08: The Age of British Triumph
Markham, Edwin, ed. Real America in Romance, Vol. 09: The Age of Independence
Markham, Edwin, ed. Real America in Romance, Vol. 10: Valor and Victory
Markham, Edwin, ed. Real America in Romance, Vol. 11: The Great Republic
Markham, Edwin, ed. Real America in Romance, Vol. 12: Brothers Forever
Markham, Edwin, ed. Real America in Romance, Vol. 13: The Eagle's Wings, 1868- 1910
Markham, Edwin, ed. Real America in Romance, Vol. 14: The American Crusade, Vol.1
Markham, Edwin, ed. Real America in Romance, Vol. 15: The American Crusade, Vol.2
Marquand, John P. Women and Thomas Harrow
Marshall, Helen Lowrie Moments of Awareness: Inspirational Verses
Marshall, Peter Let's Keep Christmas
Marshall, S.L.A River and the Gauntlet, The
Martin, Ewan Knight of King's Guard, The
Mason, Howard Red Bishop, The Masterton, Elsie, & John Masterton Nothing Whatever to Do Maugham, W. Somerset Vagrant Mood, The
Mayne, Bernard Great Atomic Disaster, The
McBain, Ed Guns
McCanse, Ralph Alan Waters Over Linn Creek Town
McCoan, J.C. Nations of the World: Egypt
McCoy, Raymond Massacre of Old Fort Mackinac, The
McCoy, Samuel Duff, ed. How Prayer Helps Me
McCracken, Harold Fredrick Remington Memorial Collection
McGerr, Patricia Martha, Martha
McGerr, Patricia Missing Years, The
McGinley, Phyllis Short Walk from the Station, A
McMinnies. Mary Visitors, The
Melick, Arden Davis Wives of the Presidents
Mende, Tibor World Power In the Balance
Menzel, Wolfgang Nations of the World: Germany, From the Earliest Period, Vol. 1
Menzel, Wolfgang Nations of the World: Germany, From the Earliest Period, Vol. 2
Menzel, Wolfgang Nations of the World: Germany, From the Earliest Period, Vol. 3
Menzel, Wolfgang Nations of the World: Germany, From the Earliest Period, Vol. 4
Meyersohn, Maxwell, ed. Wit and Wisdom of Franklin D. Roosevelt, The
Miller, Francesca Falk Never Winter and Other Poems
Miller, Olive Beaupre Whisk Away On a Sunbeam
Milner, Lucille Education of an American Liberal
Milton, John Paradise Lost, a Poem in Twelve Books
Minnigerode, Meade Marie Antoinettes's Henchman
Mitchell, Joseph B. Decisive Battles of the Civil War
Mitford, Nancy Fredrick the Great
Molk, Sophia On The Wings of the Wind
Mommsen, Theodor History of Rome
Monaghan, Jay Diplomat in Carpet Slippers: Abraham Lincoln Deals With Foreign Affairs
Montgomery, Ruth Flowers at the White House
Moon, Christine Cooper Dear Christy
Moore, Raymond S. China Doctor
Morgan, Donald G. Congress and the Constitution
Morgan, James Our Presidents
Morris, John V. Fires and Firefighters Morrison, John, & Bob Hamsley Real David Crockett, The Moyer, Paul E. Case For Peace, The
Murphy, Thomas D. Ambassadors in Arms
Murrow, Edward R. This I Believe: Philosophies of One Hundred Thoughtful Men and Women
Nanita, Abelardo R. Trujillo
Nevins, Allan, et al. American Story, The
Newman, Harold Newman's European Travel Guide, 1956-1957
Nichols, Alice Bleeding Kansas
Nicolson, Harold King George the Fifth, His Life and Reign
Nilsson, Victor Nations of the World: Sweden
Nizer, Louis My Life in Court
O’Conner, Edwin Last Hurrah, The
O’Connor, Evangeline M. Index to the Works of Shakespeare, An
O’Connor, Richard Sheridan the Inevitable
O’Flaherty, Hugh, & John Smit O Roma Felix: Practical Guide for Walks in Rome
Office of the Chief Engineer, General Headquarters, Army Forces, Pacific
Engineers of the Southwest Pacific 1941- 1945, Vol. 2: Organizations, Troops, Etc.
O'Keane, Josephine Thomas J. Walsh: A Senator from Montana
Osborn, Fairfield Limits of the Earth, The
Osgood, Robert Endicott Limited War
Ostrow, Albert A. Complete Card Player, The
Ouida Ouida Illustrated & Tricotrin, Vol. 6
Oursler, Fulton, & April Oursler Armstrong
Greatest Faith Ever Known, The
Owen, Frank Tempestuous Journey: Lloyd George, His Life and Times
Paine, Albert Bigelow Mr. Rabbit's Wedding
Patterson, William D., ed. America: Miracle at Work
Paxton, Mary River Gold
Paxton, Mary Gentry Mary Gentry and John Gallatin Paxton
Pearson, Hesketh Merry Monarch: The Life and Likeness of Charles II
Perkins, Polly Silhouettes and Samplers
Pick, Robert Escape of Socrates, The
Plumb, J.H. Horizon Book of the Renaissance, The
Pogue, Forrest C. United States Army in World War II: European Theatre of Operations
Polley, Robert L., ed. Truman Years; the Words and Times of Harry S. Truman
Poore, Ben Perley's Reminiscences of Sixty Years in the National Metropolis, Vol. 1
Poore, Ben Perley's Reminiscences of Sixty Years in the National Metropolis, Vol. 2
Potter, Stephen Theory and Practice of Gamesmanship, The
Powell, Richard False Colors
Powers, Tom Virgin with Butterflies
Pratt Charles Stuart, & Ella Farman Pratt, eds.
Little Folks: Annual for Little People
Pratt Fletcher Civil War In Pictures
Prescott, William H. History of the Conquest of Mexico, Vol.1
Prescott, William H. Nations of the World: Mexico, Vol. 1
Prescott, William H. Nations of the World: Mexico, Vol. 2
Prescott, William H. Nations of the World: Peru, Vol. 1
Prescott, William H. Nations of the World: Peru, Vol. 2
Previte-Orton, C.W. Shorter Cambridge Medieval History, Vol. 1
Previte-Orton, C.W. Shorter Cambridge Medieval History, Vol. 2
Price, Don K. Government and Science
Price, Dorothy, ed. Truth is Beauty
Prindiville, Kathleen First Ladies
Rachlis, Eugene They Came to Kill
Radley, Sheila Death in the Morning
Rambaud, Alfred Nations of the World: Russia, Vol. 1
Rambaud, Alfred Nations of the World: Russia, Vol. 2
Randolph, Vance, ed. Ozark Folksongs 1
Randolph, Vance, ed. Ozark Folksongs 2
Randolph, Vance, ed. Ozark Folksongs 3
Randolph, Vance, ed. Ozark Folksongs 4
Raphaelian, Harry M. Hidden Language of Symbols in Oriental Rugs
Rasey, Ruth M. Out of the Saltbox
Reben, Martha Way of the Wilderness, The
Renshaw, Wilbur G. West of North
Reuben, William A. Atom Spy Hoax, The
Rice, Charlie Challenge!
Richardson, William, & Seymour Freidin, eds.
Fatal Decisions: Six Decisive Battles of the Second World War
Richter, Conrad, et al. Reader's Digest Condensed Books
Riesman, David, with Nathan Glazer & Reuel Denny
Lonely Crowd, The
Riley, James Whitcomb Riley Roses
Rittenhouse, Jack O. American Horse Drawn Vehicles
Robinson, Donald 100 Most Important People in the World Today, The
Rocker, Rudolph Pioneers of American Freedom
Rocker, Rudolph Six, The
Rockwell, Norman, as told to Thomas Rockwell
Norman Rockwell: My Adventures as an Illustrator
Roosevelt, Eleanor India and the Awakening East
Roosevelt, Eleanor Tomorrow Is Now
Rorimer, James J. director Hours of Jeanne Devreux, Queen of France Roske, Ralph J., & Charles Van Doren Lincoln's Commando
Rowse, A.L. Use of History, The
Runbeck, Margaret Lee Our Miss Boo
Russell, William Howard My Diary North and South
Rysavy, Francois White House Chef
Sabatini, Rafael King’s Minion, The
Salisbury, Frank O. Sarum Chase
Salzer, P.M. Montaques of Casa Grande, The
Samet, Arthur Pictorial Encyclopedia of Furs
Sandburg, Carl Abraham Lincoln: The Prairie Years and the War Years
Sandburg, Carl, ed. New American Songbag
Saxe, John G. Poems
Sayers, Dorothy L. Strong Poison
Schachner, Nathan Thomas Jefferson: A Biography, Vol. 1
Schachner, Nathan Thomas Jefferson: A Biography, Vol. 2
Schindler, John A. How to Live 365 Days A Year
Schlesinger, Arthur M. Paths to the Present
Schoelkopf Dean H., ed. Britannica Book of the Year 1971
Schoonover, Lawrence Quick Brown Fox, The
Schott, George F. Strange Stories of Words: Philology for Everybody
Schumann, Alfred R. No Peddlers Allowed
Scott, Walter Nations of the World: Scotland, Vol. 1
Scott, Walter Nations of the World: Scotland, Vol. 2
Scott, Walter Waverley Novels: Fair Maid of Perth
Scott, Walter Waverley Novels: Guy Mannering
Scott, Walter Waverley Novels: Ivanhoe
Scott, Walter Waverley Novels: Kenilworth
Scott, Walter Waverley Novels: Peveril of the Peak
Scott, Walter Waverley Novels: Redgauntlet
Scott, Walter Waverley Novels: Rob Roy
Scott, Walter Waverley Novels: The Black Dwarf and Old Morality
Scott, Walter Waverley Novels: The Bridge of Lammermoor
Scott, Walter Waverley Novels: The Fortunes of Nigel
Scott, Walter Waverley Novels: The Monastery
Scott, Walter Waverley Novels: Waverley, or 'Tis Sixty Years Since
Scott, Winfield Townley Judge Tenderly of Me: The Poems of Emily Dickinson
Seaborg, Glenn T. Freedom and the Scientific Society: The Third Revolution
Segal, Charles M. Fascinating Facts about American Jewish History
Seifert, Shirley Farewell, My General
Selby, John Time Was...
Selinko, Annemarie Desiree
Senate Committee on Rules U.S. Senate Manual: 87th Congress, 1st Session
Senate Subcommittee on the U.N. Charter
Review of the United Nations Charter: A Collection of Documents
Settel, T.S., ed. Quotable Harry S. Truman, The
Shakespeare, William All's Well That Ends Well
Shakespeare, William Antony and Cleopatra
Shakespeare, William As You Like It
Shakespeare, William Comedy of Errors
Shakespeare, William Coriolanus
Shakespeare, William Croilos and Cressida
Shakespeare, William Cymbeline
Shakespeare, William Hamlet
Shakespeare, William Henry IV, Part 1
Shakespeare, William Henry IV, Part 2
Shakespeare, William Henry V
Shakespeare, William Henry VI, Part 1
Shakespeare, William Henry VI, Part 2
Shakespeare, William Henry VI, Part 3
Shakespeare, William Henry VIII
Shakespeare, William Julius Caesar
Shakespeare, William King John
Shakespeare, William King Lear
Shakespeare, William King Richard II
Shakespeare, William King Richard III
Shakespeare, William Love's Labour's Lost
Shakespeare, William Macbeth
Shakespeare, William Measure for Measure
Shakespeare, William Merchant of Venice
Shakespeare, William Merry Wives of Windsor
Shakespeare, William Midsummer Night's Dream
Shakespeare, William Much Ado about Nothing
Shakespeare, William Othello
Shakespeare, William Pericles
Shakespeare, William Poems and Sonnets
Shakespeare, William Romeo and Juliet
Shakespeare, William Royal Shakespeare, Vol. 1
Shakespeare, William Royal Shakespeare, Vol. 2
Shakespeare, William Royal Shakespeare, Vol. 3
Shakespeare, William Shakespeare's Tragedies
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Shakespeare, William Tempest, The
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Shakespeare, William Twelfth Night
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Shakespeare, William Winter's Tale, The
Shaub, Earl L., & Les Barnard Footprints of Allen Dodson in the Sands of Time Shaw, Irwin Troubled Air, The
Sheldon, Ted Harry S. Truman: The Man from Missouri
Shepard, Edward M. American Statesmen: Martin Van Buren
Shirer, William L. Rise and Fall of the Third Reich, The
Short, Sam B. Tis So
Simpson, Herbert Spencer Thoughts along the Way
Sinclair, Upton Return of Lanny Budd, The
Sinnette, Katherine Lyon Oil Lamps and Open Fires
Slaughter, Frank G. Song of Ruth, The
Smiley, Nora K. & Louise White Hurricane Road
Smith, Hannah For Heaven's Sake
Smith, Lillian Now is the Time
Smith, Robert Babe Ruth's America
Smith, Robert Paul Where Did You Go? Out. What Did You Do? Nothing
Sneider, Vern Pail of Oysters, A
Snell, John L., ed. With Forrest C. Pogue, Charles F. Delzell, & George A. Lensen
Meaning of Yalta, The
Snider, John D. I Love Books
Sonnichsen, C.L., & William V. Morrison Alias Billy the Kid
Sorensen, Sigvart Nations of the World: Norway
Spicer, Emerson R. Hospitalization Insurance in the Light of the Naked Truth
Spyri, Johanna Heidi
St. Johns, Adela Rogers Some are Born Great
St. Louis Democratic City Central Committee
Harry S. Truman Third Annual Award Dinner and Rally
Stadden, Thomas Longwill And So It Goes
Starobin, Joseph R. Eyewitness in Indochina Stauffer, Oscar S. as told to Ruth Zimmer My Love Affair with Life Steelholm, Clara, & Hardy Steelholm House at Hyde Park, The
Steers, Edwin, Sr., & Harry T. Latham, Jr.
Primary Election Laws of Indiana, 1954
Steinberg, I.N. In the Workshop of the Revolution
Steinberg, S.H., ed. Statesman's Yearbook, 1961-1962
Steiner, W. Leonard Masonry Illustrated: The Significant Symbols of the Three Masonic Degrees
Steuben Glass Engraved Crystal by Steuben Glass
Stevenson, Robert Louis Short Stories of Robert Louis Stevenson, The
Stover, Clara Life of Russell Stover: An American Success Story
Strabel, Thelma Reap the Wild Wind
Straight, Michael Trial by Television
Streit, Clarence K. Freedom Against Itself
Stryker, Lloyd Paul Art of Advocacy, The
Sumner, William Andrew Jackson
Sundborg, George Hail Columbia
Sunderwirth, Wilbert W. What Time Is It, World?
Supt. of Public Schools School Laws of the State of Missouri State
Sutton, Horace Confessions of a Grand Hotel: The Waldorf-Astoria
Sutton, Horace Footloose In Italy
Sutton, Horace Sutton's Places
Suzzallo, Henry, ed. National Encyclopedia, Vol. 01
Suzzallo, Henry, ed. National Encyclopedia, Vol. 02
Suzzallo, Henry, ed. National Encyclopedia, Vol. 03
Suzzallo, Henry, ed. National Encyclopedia, Vol. 04
Suzzallo, Henry, ed. National Encyclopedia, Vol. 05
Suzzallo, Henry, ed. National Encyclopedia, Vol. 06
Suzzallo, Henry, ed. National Encyclopedia, Vol. 07
Suzzallo, Henry, ed. National Encyclopedia, Vol. 08
Suzzallo, Henry, ed. National Encyclopedia, Vol. 09
Suzzallo, Henry, ed. National Encyclopedia, Vol. 10
Swanberg, W.A. Jim Fisk: The Career of an Improbable Rascal
Swing, Raymond, ed. This l Believe 2: 100 More Selections
Symington, James W., & Stuart Symington, Jr.
Tappan, Eva March England's Story
Tashjian, James H. Armenian American In World War II, The
Taylor, Telford Grand Inquest: The Story of Congressional Investigations
Tennyson, Alfred Collection of Poems [exact title unknown]
Tetens, T.H. Germany Plots With the Kremlin
Thayer, Mary Van Rensselaer Jacqueline Kennedy: The White House Years Thebaud, Aug. J. Nations of the World: Ireland, Past and Present
Thomas, Elmer Financial Engineering
Thomson, David S. Pictoral Biography: HST
Tiffany, Osmond, ed. Sacred Biography and History or Illustrations of the Holy Scriptures
Toberman, Walter H., compiler Official Manual, State Of Missouri, 1957-1958 Tobin, Richard L. Decisions of Destiny
Tolstoy, Leo War and Peace
Toynbee, Philip Garden to the Sea, The
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Twain, Mark Mark Twain's Works, Vol. 04: A Tramp Abroad, Vol. 2
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Twain, Mark Mark Twain's Works, Vol. 11: The Gilded Age, Vol. 2
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Twain, Mark Mark Twain's Works, Vol. 16: Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur's Court
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Twain, Mark Writings of Mark Twain: A Tramp Abroad, Vol. 1
Twain, Mark Writings of Mark Twain: A Tramp Abroad, Vol. 2 Twain, Mark Illustrated by F. Strothman Jumping Frog, The
Twain, Mark. Ernest E. Leisy, ed. Letters of Quintus Curtius Snodgrass, The
United States Post Office Department Postage Stamps of the United States, 1847-1949 Unknown American Processional: 1492-1900
Unknown Beacon Lights of Prophecy
Unknown Chemistry: Key to Better Living
Unknown Compact Bible, The
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Unknown Educating For American Citizenship
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Unknown Form and Order of the Coronation of Queen Elizabeth II
Unknown Handbook for the Exhibition Buildings of Colonial Williamsburg
Unknown Holy Bible, Book of Mormon, Doctrine and Covenants, Pearl of Great Price
Unknown Holy Bible: Family Altar Edition
Unknown Human Interest Library, Vol. 1: The Wonder World
Unknown Human Interest Library, Vol. 2: Popular Science and Industry
Unknown Human Interest Library, Vol. 3: Our Country in Romance
Unknown Human Interest Library, Vol. 4: Old World Travelogues
Unknown Human Interest Library, Vol. 5: Leaders of All Times
Unknown Hymnal, The
Unknown In Memory of Roger Houghwout Jackson: Proceedings of the Supreme Court 04apr1955
Unknown Larcusse Encyclopedia of Mythology
Unknown Michelangiolo: The Sculptures
Unknown Michelin Guide to France, 1954
Unknown New Standard Reference Bible
Unknown Providence Centennial Book: 1861-1961
Unknown Recreational Booklets on 16 Missouri Areas
Unknown St. Louis Up to Date
Unknown Tenth Anniversary of the Signing of the United Nations Charter
Unknown Testimony of Frank Stanton: June 18, 1954
Unknown Texas Almanac 1949-1950
Unknown Texas Almanac 1954-1955
Unknown Torah: Prophets and Writings
Upfield, Authur W. Death of a Lake
Van Buren, Abigail Dear Abby
Van Der Post, Laurens Dark Eye in Africa, The
Van Dyke, Henry Story of the Other Wise Man, The
Van Dyke, Henry Unknown Quantity: A Book of Romance and Some Half-Told Tales
Van Rensselaer, Alexander Picture History of America, The
Vanderbilt, Amy Complete Book of Etiquette
Vasiliu, Mircea Pleasure Is Mine, The
Verne, Jules Twenty Thousand Leagues under the Sea
Viertel, Peter White Hunter, Black Heart
Villard, Henry Serrano Libya: The New Arab Kingdom of North Africa
Von Hagen, Victor W. Roman Roads
Von Papen, Franz Franz Von Papen Memoirs
Wall, Joseph Frazier Henry Watterson: Reconstructed Rebel
Walley, Dean Magic of Growing Up, The
Walley, Dean, ed. Little Bits of Wisdom
Walley, Dean, ed. Little Book of Proverbs
Walton, William Evidence of Washington, The
Warne, William E. Mission for Peace
Warner, George Townsend New Ground Work of British History, The
Warren, Robert Penn & Albert Erskine, eds.
Short Story Masterpieces
Washburn, Mabel T.R. George Washington
Watkins, Harold Time Counts: The Story of the Calendar
Watts, Franklin, ed. Pocket Book Magazine, The
Webb, William R. Acres of Diamonds: Russell Conwell's Inspiring Classic About Opportunity
Webber, E.F. United Nations Exposed
Webster, George Sidney Friendly Year, The
Webster, Henry Kitchell Who is Next?
Webster, Hutton Modern European Civilization
Wells, David Dwight Her Ladyship's Elephant
Westcott, Edward Noyes David Harvon
Whalen, Grover A. Mr. New York
White House Historical Association White House: An Historic Guide [11th Ed.] White House Historical Association White House: An Historic Guide [13th Ed.] White, Ellen G. Great Controversy, The
White, Eugene E., & Clair R. Henderlider Practical Public Speaking White, Nelia Gardner Thorn Tree, The
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White, William Allen Woodrow Wilson: The Man, His Times, and His Task
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Whittier, John Greenleaf Songs of Three Centuries
Whitton, Mary Ormsbee First First Ladies: 1789-1865
Wibberly, Leonard Mouse That Roared, The
Wiggin, Kate Douglas, et al. Stories of America's Past
Wilberforce, Archibald Nations of the World: Spain and Her Colonies
Wildman, Rounsevelle China's Open Door
Wilkins, Lawrence A. Pimeros Pasos en Espanol
Wilkinson, Burke Last Clear Chance
Wilkinson, Cecil J. University Club of Washington: First Fifty Years, 1904-1954
Willets, Gilson Inside History of the White House
Williams R. R. I Believe and Why
Williams, Frances I Asked For It
Williams, J.H. Bandoola
Williams, Kenneth P. Lincoln Finds a General, Vol. 1
Williams, Kenneth P. Lincoln Finds a General, Vol. 2
Williams, Oscar, ed. Immortal Poems of the English Language
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Missouri: Mother of the West, Vol. 1 Missouri: Mother of the West, Vol. 2 Missouri: Mother of the West, Vol. 3 Missouri: Mother of the West, Vol. 4 Missouri: Mother of the West, Vol. 5
Williams, Walter, ed. State of Missouri: An Autobiography
Willison, George F. Pilgrim Reader, The
Wilson, John M. Open the Mind and Close the Sale
Winn, Dilys Murder Ink: The Mystery Reader's Companion
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Winterich, John T. Mademoiselle from Armentieres
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Woodrow Wilson
Wyllie, Irving Self-Made Man in America, The
Yadin, Yigael Masada: Herod's Fortress and the Zealots' Last Stand
Yust, Walter, ed. Britannica Book of the Year 1955: Events of 1954
Zwisohn, Rose R. Promised Land, The